Your Life: Liberated
You care about justice, equity, and liberation, but feel inhibited by the weight of everything you must do to survive under capitalism. The system is flawed and you know it, but each time you question it, someone calls you “difficult” or asks why you’re so “angry.” You know that no one is free until the most marginalized are free, but being in this fight is exhausting you to your limits.
Your dedication to the cause is exploited by the institutions supposedly committed to fighting said cause. Nonprofits, schools, churches, as well as performative DEI in corporations and tech startups all work from the same assumption: that you care enough to run yourself ragged for minimal pay.
No one should be exploited like this, especially you who works so hard to prevent this for others.
Enter Get Your Life
Get Your Life is a 12-week burnout recovery program specifically for activists, DEI professionals, and others who are committed to building a more equitable world. People working towards a more equitable world experience burnout at higher rates than other professionals because of their commitment to the cause.
While they try to take your life away from you by keeping you locked into cycles of stress, overwork, and exhaustion, we help you get it back.
How Will Get Your Life Help Me?
Get Your Life takes a trauma-informed approach to burnout recovery. Instead of assuming that your behavior is the sole reason for burnout, we know that your behavior was developed in response to conditions that are outside of your control.
Healing + Respite
Boundaries + Intuition
Joy + Thriving
"To make a revolution, people must not only struggle against existing institutions. They must make a philosophical/ spiritual leap and become more 'human' human beings. In order to change/ transform the world, they must change/ transform themselves."
Grace Lee Boggs
Meet the Founder

Hi, I’m Taj (he/him).
I’ve experienced my share of burnout. First in college, then divinity school, and then in my professional life working in nonprofit organizations.
Each time I burnt out, I believed it was due to some personal failure, but I came to realize that burnout just the system working exactly as designed.
My ministry background helped me see that burnout is so much more than a physical/emotional afflicton– it’s also a spiritual one. Spiritual afflictions need more time, attention, reflection to heal than what capitalism is willing to give.
Under capitalism, humans are disposable and it’s that subconscious reality that empowers organizations to exploit our passion for change. From unpaid interns to underpaid directors, the social change industry is rife with exploitation.
If we work together, we can break free.
The Journey
Our 12-week journey combines coaching, somatic exercises, and contemplative practices into a trauma-aware container. The 12 weeks are divided into 3 modules: You, Your Work, and Your World. Each module takes you through a series of exercises and tools to help you transform yourself and the way you relate to your work and its impact on the world.
Module #1: YOU
Module #1 focuses on you. We start with learning to identify and communicate your true capacity given that the system we live and work in traumatizes us and desensitizes us to our own needs. We then work through different aspects of what we need to transform ourselves.
Honoring Our Complex Histories
Week 1
Reclaiming Your Story
Week 2
Connecting to Rest
Week 3
Aligning with Intuition
Week 4
Accessing Joy
Week 5
Igniting Imagination
Week 6
Module #2: YOUR WORK
Module #2 focuses on your work. Building on Module 1, we forge a new kind of connection to our work that centers balance. Using ecological concepts, we reassess the importance of work in our everyday lives.
Ecology of Healing
Week 7
Embodying Liberation
Week 8
Re-Defining 'Thriving'
Week 9
Module #3: YOUR WORLD
Module #3 build. onthe previous two modules to answer this question: “What kind of world is your life bringing into being?” This module centers the importance of community and celebrates the journey as well as the destination.
Growing Our Community
Week 10
Re-Imagining the Future
Week 11
Celebrating Process
Week 12
Program Details
You’re already busy enough so this program has no extra required work outside our class meetings. Classes meet each week on Tuesday evenings via Zoom.*
Classes consist of 30 min of practice, 45 min of teaching and large group discussion, a 15-minute break, and 50 min of small group time.
*The large group portions of class are recorded and sent out via email if you can’t make them live. Small group conversations are never recorded.
7-7:20: Grounding and/or somatic practice
7:30-8:15: Teaching/ large group discussion
8:15-8:30: Break
8:30-9:20: Small group time
9:20-9:30: Debrief and wrap-up
About Small Groups
You’ll be placed in a small group with two other people in the cohort based on the answers in your intake questionnaire. Small groups are for general support and problem-solving and are confidential.
Being part of a Get Your Life cohort comes with some pretty sweet bonuses:
- 2 hours of 1:1 coaching with Taj. (valued at $800)
- Free membership to the Rooted Respite Community on Might Networks. (valued at $212/year)
- Downloadable resources to help you in your burnout recovery.
- Discounts on future classes.
- Email support between classes.
YOU if you are:
- An activist, DEI professional, or other kind of professional with an activist’s spirit.
- Ready to challenge your own role in perpetuating capitalist ideals of productivity.
- Excited to learn in a community of like-minded peers.
- Hungry for spiritual exploration that aligns with your values.
- Searching for a trauma-informed program that understands the necessity of safety in potentially triggering conversations.
- Have emotional and mental health support outside of this community.
People who:
- Are unwilling to engage in deep self-reflection.
- Don’t see white supremacy as a systemic problem.
- Aren’t ready to deconstruct and reframe their participation in a capitalist economy.
- Are in the midst of a mental health crisis.*
- Are looking for group therapy or help from a licensed mental health professional.
- Are not willing to be accountable to your own healing.
*If you are having a mental health crisis and need immediate support, please reach out to the NAMI Helpline to be connected with a peer specialist.
What Get Your Life Costs
Total cost for 12 weeks: $1826

Why Get Your Life?
The phrase “get your life” is the shorthand for “You better come get yo’ life,” with the idea behind it being that if you want your life to truly be yours, you must actively come get it. No one is going give it to you.
The phrase itself incapsulates radical self-advocacy in the face of a system that encourages you to deny your needs and work yourself to death. This program will give you the tools to be your best advocate and, in turn, a better advocate for the people you serve.
- $1826 during early registration (October 2 – November 1, 2023)
- $2282 during regular registration (November 2 – December 4, 2023)
As of right now, we can only offer payment plans.
- For the early bird rate, a 12-month plan is $152.16/ month.
- For the regular rate, a 12-month payment plan is $190.17/ month.
This program is not restricted to people of color. That said, the people on the front lines of social change movements are often women of color, specifically Black women. The philosophies and teachings throughout this program are the work of Black women. Womanist theologians Emilie Townes and Tricia Hersey; Black feminists bell hooks and Angela Davis; afrofuturists Octavia Butler, NK Jemisin, and adrienne maree brown have all influenced my thinking. As such, anyone wishing to participate in this cohort who is NOT a person of color must have a space away from this one to process any feelings of fragility and discomfort about their whiteness.
Try this program risk free for 30 days. If you want a refund at the end of the 30-day period, you’ll get one no questions asked. After the 30 days, we cannot issue refunds.
Feeling Unsure?
If you’re not certain whether this is for you, talk to Taj. He’ll help you find clarity with no pressure. Click the button below to book a call.